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About Us

First, let me take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to check us out here at VI Gerbils. We are located in Nanaimo but have had our gerbil go all over the island, even for a ferry ride!


My name is Kylie and I am a wife and mother who in her free time breeds and raises Mongolian gerbils. My love for gerbils started with how clean and little space they required, it just made sense since we currently reside in a small apartment.

It started with a singe (upon further research I learned it should have been two) beige male, and has now blossomed over the years into two breeding pairs. I cannot stress the fact enough that these animals are loved and I believe because of that they will produce offspring with desirable traits. Tame, friendly, and healthy animals. What more could you ask for? :)


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